Idle man at the mall is the devil's toy
One more weekend, my wife told me to sit in a chair at the nearby mall.She would pick up a prescription.
"I'll try to be a minute, she assumed. "Don't go roaming off,
Liked working out sat down.It was a robotic shiatsu massage chair the ones where you shove in loonies for a relaxing massage.But i did not activate my chair or anything, not in the mood.
Had been elderly men sitting on benches nearby.Conceivably they, that, were expecting their wives.One of(Who'd been staring intently at the ceiling as yet)Seen my Ralph Lauren Polo Shirts UK way.I waved but it didn't seem to subscribe.
"Oh, i shown to myself. "This is what it will be like when i'm retired.Sitting in a massage chair in a retail complex, in store for my wife,
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